Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Funny or embarrassing....I'm not quite sure

My good friend, Pam, who I hadn't seen in 12 years, flew in to Phx yesterday to visit. Just minutes after we sat down in our house, Kaleigh had a huge smile on her face and looking around announced, "I just LOVE this! I feel like I'm sitting in a model home right now 'cuz our house is NEVER this clean." Thanks, Kaleigh!

For family that's reading this, it immediately reminded me of something that happened when we were kids. The details are a little fuzzy, but mom and dad had a guest (maybe a priest?) over for dinner and a nice spread was put out. One of the kids, (who was it?) announced at the dinner table that they wished we could have a guest every night so we could ALWAYS have meals like this.

Then there was the time when I was in line at the bank. Hunter was with me and all of a sudden, he yells out, "Wow, mom, look at that guy! He has a LOT of tatoos." I turned around (no, I'm not quite sure why..) to see a guy, exactly like Hunter described, standing about 2 feet behind me with Hunter staring and pointing. I just smiled (as did he).

I NEVER did this stuff when I was little. ;)


  1. Thanks for taking the time to update us! I am glad you are reporting the fun stuff as well. I can use the laughs! I am interested in the study - wondering if it is the Anti IL-5 that we are in.

  2. Dear Anonymous (Ok, I know it's you, Cara!),

    No, Hunter is in the budesonide study. I'll give details in a separate post here soon, but it's the swallowed steroid one.
